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Esteemed Speaker

Todd Parks

Full Bio

Dr. Todd Parks Professor and Director of Academic Support Services and First-Year Programs

Piedmont Virginia Community College

Todd Parks serves as a professor and director of academic support services and first-year programs at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). Prior to joining PVCC, he directed diversity initiatives at the University of Iowa where he founded The Iowa Edge, an award-winning orientation program for first-generation college students and students of color; served as assistant dean of students at the University of Florida; and managed first-year residence halls at the University of San Francisco.

Todd earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte; a master’s degree from the University of South Carolina, Columbia; and doctorate from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. At South Carolina, he studied with John Gardner: furthering his commitment to helping first-year students transition to college life and succeed on campus. At Virginia, Todd received the Jay L. Chronister Student Award in Higher Education and the Johnnie E. Merritt Graduate Fellowship in Higher Education. The Western Association of College & University Housing Officers named Todd one of two new professionals of the year and the VCCA awarded him the Excellence in Education Award and the Johnnie E. Merritt Virginia Master Teacher Seminar Scholarship. He is a frequent presenter at ACCA, VCCA, and VCCS meetings.

Todd lives in the Shenandoah Valley with his wife, Melynda. He and Melynda have one son, Taylor, who is a senior at Christopher Newport University.