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Esteemed Speaker

Karen Oehme

Full Bio

Karen Oehme, J.D., Director, Institute for Family Violence Studies, Florida State University College of Social Work

As a researcher at Florida State University since 1998, Karen Oehme has been the director of the Institute for Family Violence Studies since 2007, and the director of the FSU Student Resilience Project since 2018. In 2011, she was named an FSU Distinguished University Scholar. She is the chair of the Academic Resilience Consortium’s Steering Committee.

Oehme’s research and development team works to promote healthy individuals, families, and violence prevention across the lifespan. They build large-scale projects and specializes in interactive, web-based learning to promote research based knowledge, and has trained thousands of professionals in child protection, law enforcement, and victim services. The team's research interests all intersect with themes of trauma and resilience, and have been awarded multiple times by TaxWatch for saving taxpayer funds with innovative projects. The FSU Student Resilience Project was awarded the 2019 John L. Blackburn Award for Solutions to Campus Problems by the American Association of University Administrators. Oehme's scholarly work has been published in many journals, including the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Stanford Law and Policy Review, Innovative Higher Education, and the Journal of American College Health.

Oehme received her law degree from Florida State University in 1987. She was formerly a staff attorney at Legal Services of North Florida and the Guardian ad Litem Program of the Second Judicial Circuit. She is a member of the Florida Bar and the U.S. Supreme Court Bar.