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Esteemed Speaker

Joe Murray

Full Bio

Joe Murray has served as the Director of Academic Advising and Retention Services at Miami University’s Hamilton Campus since 1992. He earned both a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management degrees from Purdue University. He has helped to develop and refine the Appreciative Advising Inventory and been part of a national taskforce aimed at advancing the concept of Appreciative Advising.

Joe works tirelessly to help students that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. He has impacted new legislation to change Ohio laws and operating policies to increase access to higher education for Ohio’s Lower Income/Disadvantaged Youth and Foster Care Alumni and works with other states to do the same. He serves as the Co-Chair of the First-Generation College Student Interest Group for the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). He has presented numerous times at both NACADA and NASPA on topics such as:

•Improving College Access and Success for Students from Foster Care

•Academic Recovery Program, NACADA 2007 Advising Special Populations Monograph

•Peers as Navigators: From Orientation to Graduation and Beyond

•Academic Recovery Program: Reaching and Involving Students on Probation

•First-Generation College Student Advising

•Diverse Probation Policies, Programs and Practice: A Multi-Institutional Perspective - The Art of Thinking Independently Together

•Adult Learners: Under Construction

•Intrusive Advising

•A Cross-Institutional Framework to Help Focus Campus-Wide Retention Efforts

•Teaching Technology Applied to Academic Advising: The New Paradigm

•Adapting an Alcohol Intervention Framework to Help Focus Campus-Wide Retention Efforts