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Esteemed Speaker

Jan Norton

Full Bio

Jan Norton received her Master’s in Educational Research & Psychology. Her training includes Supplemental Instruction, the Kellogg Institute, the Winter Institute, the NCLCA Summer Institute, TIDE, the NACADA Assessment Institute, and NADE certification training; she has also served as a trainer for the Winter Institute and the NCLCA Summer Institute. In addition to managing comprehensive, multi-discipline learning centers, she has worked as an evaluation consultant for tutoring programs and developmental education in several states and been a reviewer for NADE, CRLA, and NCLCA certifications. For CRLA, she also served as the leader for the Learning Assistance Center Management SIG and the Research & Evaluation SIG. She is the co-author of a recent CRLA-commissioned white paper ("Assessment of Learning Assistance Programs") and co-author of a chapter on program evaluation in the new 3rd edition of the Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research. Now a CLADEA Fellow and recently retired from Academic Programs and Student Development at the University of Iowa, Jan continues to be an occasional author and a frequent presenter at conferences.