Dr. Deborah Kish, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Aims Community College, is a strong supporter of instructional innovation and teaching/learning excellence. Deborah holds an Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Secondary Social Science Education from Florida State University and a Masters of Business Administration and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. She earned her Doctor of Education in Community College Leadership from The Roueche Graduate Center at National American University. Her doctoral research titled, Understanding Excellence Through and Examination of Shared Vision, Leadership Behaviors, Strategic Planning, and the Use of Data at Three Award-Winning Two-Year Institutions, focuses on organizational culture similarities in high-performing institutions. Deborah’s experience includes more than a decade of law practice in Florida and Colorado representing both individuals and corporations, working as the Director of Academic Affairs at the Wyoming Campus of the University of Phoenix, and serving as the Associate Dean to the Chief Academic Officer at Aims Community College. Her work is grounded in the principles of access and success for all students, providing rigorous and relevant curriculum, and striving for excellence. Deborah’s 20 years of diverse professional service and education has forged her leadership with a wealth of knowledge in business practices and higher education that gives her an understanding of national and regional trends that she draws upon in her service to the college. She has a firm grasp on the challenges and barriers to access to higher education and students’ success, particularly with student completion. Deborah brings her creativity and unique ability to cultivate grassroots change efforts to Aims Community College to advance learning and inspires her team with a tremendous passion for student success.