EduShare - Higher Ed Blog & News
Transitioning To College: Moving From Checkers To Chess
Just The Facts! 10 Disability Stats To Inform Future Enrollment
Just The Facts! 10 Disability Facts To Inform Future Enrollment
Data from federal agencies supports what many post-secondary institutions have suspected – the number of students enrolling who can benefit from disability services is increasing. Institutions who are designing and implementing strategic enrollment plans will want to consider the impact of increases in enrollment from persons with disabilities. Given information from Veterans Affairs and the Department of Education, institutions have an opportunity to adjust services to meet the needs of students with disabilities while increasing diversity on campus.
3 Strategies To Help New Faculty Thrive
68% Of Workers Say This About Professional Development. What Do You Say?
Clearly, professional development is important, but just how important is it to employees? 68% of workers say training and development is the most important workplace policy.
Check out our stats and take our 5 question survey!
Your Guide To Animals On Campus
In order to navigate the expectations of higher education, some students may require a service dog, emotional support animal or therapy animal to accompany them to campus. College students with disabilities are protected by state, federal, and local laws which prohibit discrimination and mandate access to appropriate services and resources. This guide will walk you through the background, laws, and guidelines regarding service animals.