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4 Things Colleges Can Do To Embrace Trauma-Informed Care


Trauma informed care on campus


As higher education professionals recognize the rising mental health challenges among students, adopting trauma-informed care becomes increasingly essential. Here are four actionable steps colleges can take to create a supportive environment for their students. To explore this topic in more depth, listen to our full podcast episode here.

1. Promote Mental Health Literacy Across Campus

Mental health literacy involves educating the campus community about mental health issues, reducing stigma, and encouraging help-seeking behaviors. At San Jose State University, training staff, faculty, and students in mental health first aid has proven effective. Such initiatives equip the community with the knowledge to recognize and respond to mental health concerns.

Actionable Steps:

  • Implement mental health first aid training programs.
  • Develop and distribute educational materials on mental health.
  • Organize workshops and seminars to promote awareness and reduce stigma.

2. Integrate Trauma-Informed Principles Into Campus Policies

Trauma-informed care emphasizes understanding and responding to the effects of trauma. Integrating principles such as safety, trust, choice, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural awareness into campus policies can create a supportive environment for students.

Actionable Steps:

  • Review and revise campus policies to include trauma-informed principles.
  • Train all staff and faculty in trauma-informed care.
  • Create a task force to oversee the implementation of these practices.

3. Foster A Culture of Care & Support

Creating a culture of care and support involves making students feel safe to seek help and validating their experiences. Initiatives like the "You Matter" campaign can promote a sense of belonging and support among students.

Actionable Steps:

  • Launch campaigns and initiatives that promote a culture of care.
  • Establish peer support programs to encourage mutual help among students.
  • Provide resources and spaces, such as wellness centers, for student support and relaxation.

4. Enhance Collaboration & Resource Accessibility

Effective trauma-informed care requires collaboration across various campus departments and easy access to resources. A coordinated approach ensures that students receive timely and appropriate care.

Actionable Steps:

  • Develop partnerships between counseling centers, health services, and student affairs.
  • Create centralized platforms for mental health resources and support services.
  • Establish clear protocols for referring students to appropriate resources.


Implementing trauma-informed care in higher education is essential for supporting student success and well-being. By promoting mental health literacy, integrating trauma-informed principles, fostering a culture of care, and enhancing collaboration, colleges can create an environment where all students can thrive. These steps will not only address immediate student needs but also contribute to long-term positive outcomes for the entire campus community.

For more resources and information, materials like "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk provide valuable insights into the impact of trauma and effective care strategies. Embracing these practices ensures that higher education institutions are equipped to meet the mental health needs of their students, laying a foundation for academic and personal success.

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For nearly 20 years, Innovative Educators has assisted college leaders to build foundations of success for their faculty, staff, and students. Institutions have seen employee engagement and retention increase as a result of utilizing Go2Knowledge, Innovative Educators live and on-demand professional development resources. Go2Knowledge includes 150+ live webinars and 350+ pre-selected, on-demand webinars delivered by over 200 experts. Innovative Educators' micro-credentialing program provides faculty and staff opportunities to upskill and hone skills for working with today’s college students. Explore micro-credentialing related to training faculty and staff to provide mental health support today.

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By Meg Foster, Online Learning & Design Specialist - Consultant & Wendy Archer,  Web Content Coordinator 
June 26, 2024



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