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10 Trends For Online Orientation In 2022

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10 trends for online orientation in 2022

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Higher education institutions continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on critical programming such as new student orientation. As institutions also address concerning trends in enrollment and retention, online orientation programming will only grow in its importance. Here are some important trends to look for this year in online orientation.


2022 will be the year of flexible programming! When envisioning online orientation programming, administrators should consider using teaching and learning theories and methods that provide students with opportunities to access information and expertise, contribute ideas and opinions, and correspond with other learners and mentors. This webinar provides insights into flexible programming for orientation.

Multiple Delivery Options

In conjunction with needing to be flexible, online orientation programming allows for institutions to deliver content in multiple formats creating more opportunities for students to be engaged, learn and retain critical orientation content! Watch this short video on tips for creating content for orientation.


Meaningful Interactions & Engagement

Online orientation programming provides an important initial opportunity for students to begin to make connections with their new campus community; these interactions can pave the way for students to feel a sense of belonging once they arrive on campus. Here are some ways you can create engaging opportunities in orientation!

Importance of Current Student Involvement (Orientation Leaders, Peer Mentors, Ambassadors, Work Study)

Never before have orientation leaders, student ambassadors, or other student leaders trained to connect and guide incoming students been more important to institutions! Current students can interact with new students via targeted messaging and can help create and evaluate orientation content. Here are 3 tips for utilizing current student leaders.


Using data gleaned from online orientation will expand in 2022 as administrative teams will need to examine more than simply who attended: were learning objectives met, can data help identify students who will need extra support come the start of the semester? Learn more about utilizing assessment in orientation.

Providing An Ongoing Resource Center & FYE Foundation

Online orientation programming can provide students a platform to return to again and again for success resources. In the coming year, online orientation platforms will grow to be a pillar of student success support that is integrated into first year experience programs and used in conjunction with tutoring, coaching, and peer mentoring efforts. Watch this webinar for additional ideas!


With one in five students reporting a disability, all online orientation content must be accessible. Accessibility also means removing barriers so that students can easily use or reach online orientation content. Here’s a brief introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Enrollment Management

As college enrollment numbers continue to decline across the United States, online orientation will be a critical component of strategic plans to admit, register and enroll incoming students and will play a key function in ameliorating summer melt. Listen to this Friday 5 Live about enrollment trends.

Mixed Media

The most successful orientation content in 2022 will be ones that utilize multiple methods to share information with students such as animations, videos and gamification which allow students to recall orientation material. View this short resource on creating content for orientation.

Instructional Design

Now more than ever, student services professionals will need to use best practices from online learning in developing engaging and meaningful learning opportunities to onboard new students. Watch this webinar to gain insight into the tenets of instructional design.


As institutions plan for orientation in 2022, online components will continue to provide critical information and opportunities to connect students to facilitate community building. Administrators will need to remain flexible, think in terms of hybrid opportunities, and consider how orientation can address enrollment melt. Moving forward, online orientation will be the foundation of an institution's online resource center: providing students a space they can return to for support and critical success tools whenever they need.

For nearly 20 years, Innovative Educators has assisted college leaders to build foundations of success for their students. Institutions have seen student engagement and retention increase as a result of utilizing Go2Orientation, OnlineLingo and StudentLingo to onboard new students. Grounded in best practices for online learning, Innovative Educators student support tools are engaging, interactive, and community-building. Go2Orientation, OnlineLingo and StudentLingo together create a powerful online resource center providing support to students throughout their college journeys.


    3 Reasons to Go Online with New Student Orientations

    9 Tips for Designing a Virtual Orientation that Students Will Want to Engage With

    Building Next Generation Online Orientation: Personalized and Accessible

    Becoming a Champion of Orientation

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    A Quick Guide to Four Instructional Design Models

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