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Friday 5: Things To Ponder This Week In Higher Ed 2/26/21

We hope you will join us on March 5 for Friday 5 Live.  Edward Coronado will share creative ways we can engage students to support their success! As an experienced tutor, Edward has used his YouTube channel to share success resources, and his videos have garnered thousands of views.  Join us for an insightful discussion.



At Innovative Educators, we’re using Black History Month as an opportunity to examine anti-racist practices and inclusivity in our communities.  We are asking questions like:  How can I use this month for discovery, learning and listening? How will I take this work back to my institutions and organizations? While we’re reminded of the importance of not compartmentalizing the Black American experience to one month each year, each week in February, we are sharing resources that we find particularly helpful to our own learning. We invite you to use the Comments section to add additional resources that can help inform our understanding of creating inclusive communities and anti-racist practices. 

Please find this week’s resources below:

Not Light but Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom 

by Matthew Kay

Higher Education’s Role in Promoting Racial Healing and the Power of Wonder

Peralta Community College’s open-access Online Equity Training



According to recent research conducted by ECMC Group and VICE Media, only 25% of Generation Z teenagers “believe the traditional college model is the only pathway to getting a good job.”  Only half of the students indicated they planned to attend college in the future.  Gen Z students are concerned about finding a solid career and the cost of college as they do not want to be saddled with debt. Outside of incentivizing applying, researchers recommend colleges and universities connect with students on social media platforms and utilize current student voices in sharing short sound bytes that speak to the value of the college experience.


“Today’s teens are using a critical eye when it comes to analyzing their options and charting their future course. We must take this opportunity to hear their concerns and provide pathways that will meet their educational needs now and into the future.” - Jeremy Wheaton, president and CEO of ECMC Group



The federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has been expanded as part of COVID relief efforts to give college students easier access to the program, temporarily removing work and eligibility requirements, NASFAA reports this week.  This expansion provides SNAP benefits to 3 million more college students.  With one-third of college students reporting food insecurity during the pandemic, colleges and universities are being urged to promote the additional SNAP resources to their students.


One out of three: The number of college students saying they have experienced food insecurity since the beginning of the pandemic.



High school seniors are completing fewer FAFSA forms; applications from rising college freshmen have dropped nearly 10%.  “FAFSA filings remain especially depressed at high schools with higher concentrations of students of color, in rural areas and small towns and in low-income schools everywhere.”  FAFSA renewal rates are up over last year indicating current students intend to remain enrolled.  But, a drop in new student applications suggests another enrollment dip for the fall 2021 semester.


Follow our Friday 5 Live podcast available now on your favorite podcasting app!


Education Dive reports this week on the new partnership between 2U and Guild Education. 2U is a publicly traded company that helps colleges launch and run online programs. Guild Education is a platform for major employers to offer their workers education benefits.  The goal is to reach more adult learners. Initially the partnership will provide short-term courses before expanding to undergraduate degrees and boot camps. The organizations plan to  explore offering graduate and certificate programs. Industry experts predict more of these arrangements for OPMs in the future.
Author: Meg Foster
February 26, 2021
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