Michelle Issadore, M.Ed. is the Executive Director of the School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE), as well as an Affiliated Consultant with The NCHERM Group. She works with schools, colleges and community organizations nationwide to assess and improve their strategic prevention efforts, as well as research and understand best practice initiatives. She has a B.A. in Psychology and Women's Studies from Brandeis University and a M.Ed. in College Student Affairs from The Pennsylvania State University.
Michelle spent five years as Assistant Director of the Womens Center at Lehigh University. She coordinated sexual violence prevention and response, including annual and ongoing trainings and programming for faculty, staff and students. Michelle advised Lehighs peer educator group and hotline, which was the 2009 recipient of NASPAs Silver Excellence Award for Violence Education and Prevention, Crisis Management and Campus Security. She also instituted an online anonymous reporting system for sexual violence, with the support of related departments. Michelle was responsible for management of the staff advocate program, which provided confidential crisis and options counseling to victims. She created a writing-intensive sexual violence course and taught in the Womens Studies program. Michelle completed 40 hours of advocate training in Pennsylvanias Northampton and Lehigh counties.
Michelle has served as co-chair of the National Womens Studies Associations Womens Centers Committee, as a member of the Clery Center for Security on Campus Advisory Board and as part of the Futures Without Violence Campus Policy Advisory Board.